

Esther Plomp


November 29, 2022

CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a taxonomy of 14 roles. You can use CRediT to describe each contributor’s specific contribution to the scholarly output.

CrediT contributes to a more transparent research record.

A helpful tool to record CrediT contributions is Tenzing. You can cite Holcombe et al. 2020 when you use this tool.

Using Rescognito you can allocate your CrediT contributions with your ORCID and your publications (via the DOI).

Zoë Ayres tweets: "If a technician has contributed to scientific data collection, they should be in the author list, not in the acknowledgements. Tired of seeing people not get credited properly for their contribution." The tweet is liked ~2700 times and retweeted/cited ~250 times.

[Tweet]( by Zoë Ayres

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