Open Science Panic

Open Science

Esther Plomp


November 9, 2022

Your first time trying out a new Open Science step can be nerve wrecking. You are not alone in feeling this way:

A twitter poll on whether Open Science practices make you feel stressed/nervous. 44.5% of 263 people voted 'Yes, I feel nervous', followed by 34.6% of people that indicated that they do not feel nervous.

You can get more confident by trying out smaller steps in your workflow, starting with Open Science practices that are particularly relevant to your work.

You can first discuss your work with colleagues and see what they think.

You can check other publications in your field to see how other researchers are approaching Open Science Practices.

You can follow a training in applying open science practices, such as Open Life Science.

You can ask advice from your Faculty Data Steward, or the Digital Competence Center if you need more hands on support.

You can join a community that likes to discuss these topics, such as the TU Delft Open Science Community, and The Turing Way.