Plan for RDM

We will use the lessons learned to plan for Data Management via the Data Management Plan. At the end of this module you should be able to:

  • Recognise the relevance of planning research data management
  • Get familiar with the concept of Data Management Plans and their format
  • Recognise the value of creating a Data Management Plan

What is a Data Management Plan (DMP)?

What exactly is a data management plan? Watch the video for an introduction to data management plans. (Script adapted from (Holmstrand et al. 2019)).

Why create a Data Management Plan?

Why is it necessary to create a data management plan?

  • Planning in advance will save time later

  • Especially when working with confidential and sensitive data, it is important to manage the data according to requirements and best practices.

  • You can use the Data Management Plan as an agreement between multiple partners (yourself and your supervisor, or your research group and other research groups) on how to manage data.

  • You can use the DMP as a starting point for a common vocabulary for managing data when you work with multiple disciplines!

The Turing Way project illustration by Scriberia. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.

What needs to be in a Data Management Plan?

A Data Management Plan should provide information on six main topics.

RDMO (Research Data Management Organiser)

  • You can use it to write DMPs, organise data management for a project

  • collaborate with other users (also external)

  • Versioning

  • Export and import functions


Holmstrand, K. F., S. P. A. den Boer, E. Vlachos, P. M. Martínez-Lavanchy, K. K. Hansen, A. V. Larsen, S. Zurcher, et al. 2019. “Research Data Management (eLearning Course).”