
What to do after this workshop?

The Turing Way also has a chapter on Research Data Management - and a lot more information on how to work more reproducible.

Frequently asked questions about reproducible research (in archaeology)

You can find answers to the questions below in (Marwick 2022), p20.

  • How do you decide if you should publish data and/or code openly?
  • Where do you start training skills in open science and reproducibility?
  • What should you consider when you publish an article with underlying data/code?
  • How do you share data to make it more accessible to others?
  • How do you clean up the data and code before sharing this publicly?
  • How do you share research methods more openly?
  • What is metadata?
  • What about licenses/copyright?
  • What if people misinterpret data or find a mistake?
  • A supervisor doesn’t want to work reproducibility, how do you convince them?
  • Will reproducible research be taken into account when looking for a next job?
  • Do platforms like SciHub, ResearchGate, count as Open Access?


Resources on data management

Resources on code management

Resources on data sharing

Videos on reproducibility

Other resources on reproducibility

How to get started with programming?


Open Science


Marwick, Ben. 2022. “Three Levels of Reproducible Workflow Remove Barriers for Archaeologists and Increase Accessibility.” Peer Community In Archaeology, November.