15  Assignment 5 - Data Flow Map reflection

Estimated time: 60 minutes

Go back to your Data Flow Map and reflect on your challenges, experiences and tips.

You will have to prepare and submit a slide before (30-05-2024) 17:00 about:

You will have 3 minutes to present your slide during class 2 to your peers and they will have the chance to ask questions or exchange ideas!

Please submit your slide to Esther before (30-05-2024), 17:00

This assignment is based on Martinez-Lavanchy et al. (2022)


Martinez-Lavanchy, P. M., Pim van Schöll, Eirini Zormpa, and Roséane Cathy Singotani. 2022. “TU Delft Research Data Management 101 Course - Assignments Data Flow Map,” July. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.6325938.